Profitable Onion Varieties in Kenya for Successful Farming

Onion farming in Kenya has become a lucrative agribusiness as the demand for onions continue to grow, driven by rapid urbanization and increasing population. Onions are a highly sought-after ingredient in many households due to their versatility in various dishes.

In Kenya, some of the most profitable onion varieties include: Red Creole Onion, Bombay Red Onion, Texas Grano Onion, Jambar F1 Onion, Red Pinoy Onion, White Lisbon Onion, Yellow Granex Onion and Sweet Onion. These varieties are known for their high yield, uniformity in size and disease resistance.

This article discusses some of the most profitable onion varieties which can help farmers make an informed decision when selecting the best type to grow.


1. Red Creole Onion

The Red Creole Onion is a popular variety in Kenya due to its strong flavour and attractive red colour. This onion variety is known for its high yield potential and excellent storage qualities, making it an ideal choice for farmers. It matures in approximately 90-110 days, giving farmers multiple opportunities to harvest throughout the year.

2. Bombay Red Onion

Bombay Red Onion is another profitable variety for Kenyan farmers. It is characterized by its deep red colour, medium-sized bulbs, and pungent taste. The variety is resistant to many diseases, making it an excellent option for farmers looking to minimize crop loss. It matures in about 100-120 days and has good storage qualities, which enables farmers to sell their produce over an extended period.

3. Texas Grano Onion

Known for its large size and mild flavor, the Texas Grano Onion is a favorite among Kenyan consumers. This variety is high-yielding and matures in approximately 160 days. The extended growing period results in larger bulb sizes and higher market prices, making it an attractive option for farmers seeking to maximize profits.

4. Jambar F1 Onion

The Jambar F1 Onion is a hybrid variety that is gaining popularity among Kenyan farmers due to its high yield potential and good storage qualities. This onion has a mild flavor, making it a popular choice for various recipes. It matures in about 150 days and is resistant to several diseases, which reduces the risk of crop loss and increases profitability for farmers.

5. Red Pinoy Onion

Red Pinoy Onion is a unique variety that is well-suited to the Kenyan climate. This onion variety is known for its attractive deep red color, high yield potential, and good storage qualities. It matures in approximately 100-120 days, allowing farmers to capitalize on multiple harvests throughout the year.

6. White Lisbon Onion

White Lisbon Onion is a variety that is suitable for farming in Kenya. This onion variety is known for being white in colour and having a long shelf life, which makes it a preferred choice among farmers and consumers. The bulbs are small and have a crisp texture, and the crop is resistant to various diseases and pests, making it low-maintenance. These onions variety are ideal for pickling, as well as a tasty addition to salads and sandwiches.

7. Yellow Granex Onion

The Yellow Granex onion is another suitable onion variety for farming in Kenya. Its yellow colour and extended storage capacity characterise it, making it highly favoured by farmers and consumers. The onions have medium-sized bulbs with a crunchy texture. Moreover, they possess resistance against different diseases and pests, making them easy to grow. These onions are excellent for pickling and can add a delicious touch to salads and sandwiches.

8. Sweet Onion

Sweet onions are popular for their mild and sweet taste. Unlike traditional onions, they have a less pungent smell, and cutting them does not bring tears to the eyes. They are commonly used in salads, sandwiches, and other dishes that require a mild onion flavour. These onions grow well in Kenyan farming conditions and have a high demand in the market. They are perfect for grilling and roasting as well.

In conclusion, these eight onion varieties offer Kenyan farmers the opportunity to maximize their profits by selecting the most suitable type based on factors such as yield potential, disease resistance, and storage qualities. When considering which onion variety to grow, it is essential to consult agricultural experts for advice on the best practices and optimal growing conditions specific to the area.